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Issuers' Securities Listing Committee

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(5255) 5342-9037 / 5342-9183

Is a delegated body of the Board of Directors of the Corporation whose purpose is to evaluate and, as the case may be, approve the admission and listing of securities of issuers in the Corporation, under the terms contemplated in the Securities Market Law.

The Securities Listing Committee has the following functions and duties:

  • To review and resolve on the listing requests that may be submitted to the Corporation on various securities.
  • To request through the Corporation, to the issuer or to the underwriting firm, any additional information that it may require to have sufficient elements to adequately resolve on the appropriateness of the listing of an issuer or the securities.
  • To carry out the consultations that, as the case may be, must be done with independent third-party experts, so as to make any decisions that may be required.
  • To submit to the Board of Directors and the Shareholders’ Meeting a report of its activities, at least annually, when requested to it or when, in its opinion, these need to be made known to the Board and the Shareholders’ Meeting.
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