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The information set forth in the virtual space herein is offered solely as a means of reference, but not as a basis to make investments or financial movements, so the Mexican Stock Exchange (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, S.A.B. de C.V., hereinafter “BMV”), Mexder, Mercado Mexicano de Derivados, S.A. de C.V., Fideicomiso F/30430 Asigna Compensacion y Liquidacion, S.D. Indeval Institucion para el Deposito de Valores, S.A. de C.V., Bursatec, S.A. de C.V., Valuacion Operativa y Referencias de Mercado, S.A. de C.V., Contraparte Central de Valores de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., SIF-ICAP Servicios, S.A. de C.V., their shareholders, members and the companies whose stock is listed in “BMV” (hereinafter the INSTITUTIONS) are not responsible, either directly or indirectly, for the financial transactions, or the legal actions that the persons who refer to it may undertake based on said information.

In some sections of this site it is possible to make comparisons on the behavior of different financial instruments over time, which also does not constitute a recommendation for purchase, sale, or investment advice, so the BMV and/or the INSTITUTIONS are not responsible, either directly or indirectly, as stated in the paragraph immediately above.

Also, BMV and/or the INSTITUTIONS are not responsible, either directly or indirectly, for the type of contents, or any type of errors or delays in the contents, their truthfulness or any action taken by reliance on it, as well as by delays, interruptions or errors, mistakes or omissions caused by, or during the capture, processing, transmittal, reception or exhibition of the information, as well as its interpretation.

The information exposed in the site herein, and in its case some of the institutions, does not warrant the behavior or the yields from the stock transacted at "BMV ", so under no circumstance it may be construed to be a suggestion for the purchase or sale of stock.

Participation in the securities market must not be random, so the participants are encouraged to have the counseling and mediation (brokerage) of Stock Exchanges and/or experts in the matter.

The contents of the page herein, located on the web site www.bmv.com.mx, may not be reproduced for profit or non-profit, without the prior written authorization from "BMV" and/or the INSTITUTIONS, and in its case may only be made in the terms expressly authorized by them. In this case, its source and intellectual property must be clearly stated. Also, it is expressly forbidden to take actions such as, including without limitation, copying, framing (using the frames to display them on pages from third parties), parsing (the use of algorithms to extract the HTML code from a web page, third party-owned information), and/or any other action through which all, or part of the content from the site is reproduced, in any way and/or to any end.

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This site may have links to sites controlled by third parties outside "BMV”, prior written authorization from the latter. Therefore, the INSTITUTIONS are not responsible, either directly or indirectly, for their contents, as well as for the services rendered by said sites. It must be noted that the connectivity to these sites does not imply the existence of any association and/or participation between them and "BMV ", and/or the INSTITUTIONS.

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