Escuela Bolsa Mexicana

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What is the Mexican Stock Exchange School?

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Mexican Stock Exchange School
Faviola Sánchez (55) 5342.9004
Commercial Specialist
Yesenia Díaz (55) 5342.9627
Commercial Specialist

It is an institution that belongs to the Mexican Stock Exchange , which qualifies, develops and trains professionals, so they can interact successfully in the different spheres of businesses, nationally and internationally ; do to  the excellence, experience and high quality of its programs, is recognized by the CNVB, AMIB, CONSAR and the STPS.

We provide services to institutions of credit, institutions of insurances, houses of stock exchange, banks, operators of societies of investment, distributors of societies of investment, Afores, Siefores and Emisores, among others.

Mexican Stock Exchange School, is based in five pillars that cover different levels of the professional development:

Face-to-face courses and on line:

  • Basic
  • Certification
  • Specialisation
  • Senior Direction
  • Customized Programs

In the following Themes:

  • Finances And Stock market
  • Leadership and Businesses
  • SME
  • Human resources
  • Marketing
  • Information and Communication technology 
  • Accounting and Law

Nowadays it has the pride and the big responsibility to be able to contribute value, to the most important companies of the country and to the different Mexican Government institutions.

It also offers courses of specialization, degrees and Seminars in the open modality to the public in general and enclosed, to attend the specific needs of each company, in the main cities in Mexico.


Develop and prepare professionals in businesses and financial fields, by using our experience and high level academic standards, in order that they are qualified to work in the world market.


To be the institution leader in education, training and professionalism in finances and businesses, encouraging the development of successful professionals.

In this way we stand out in excellence because of how we offer our services, the high level of our programs and the amplitude of our academic offers.



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